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The Theory of "Anticipation of Energy"

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Continued from page 2

transmission speed of the flow of electricity, within solid conductors.
Therefore, the only suitable and reliable measuring instrument was in this case our "hearing", the perceptive apparatus of sounds and noises. In fact, it is known that this is able to perceive very small variations in the sound and evaluate them both in negative and in positive correctly used and trained.

This sophisticated "tool", which Mother Nature has given us, has not been flanked, even today, by another technological instrument capable of this precision.

To verify the scientific validity of this particular experimentation, I have used the collaboration of other people, able to correctly perceive the different sound variations expressed during the different experiments. These people, in shifts, have been present at the different experimentations, constantly or periodically. Thanks to them and my specific listening technique, I was able to avoid any form of self-suggestion, mine and them.

Besides these people, since 2001 through HI-FIGUIDE© I have made available some small projects of solid conductors for audio use, known with the suffixes "AL" and "PF". The aim was to collect further testimonies from other people, absolutely unknown and not among them. In this case, there were several testimonies related to beneficial effects on the sound of their HI-FI systems, a small part of which were published in HI-FIGUIDE© in the section dedicated to "letters".
Thus, on one hand, they confirmed the influence on the sound quality of these projects, confirming some aspects concerning my experiments; on the other hand, they have contributed to provide further evidence of the scientific validity of my experimentation.

With regard to the "
repeatability" of the observation of the scientific phenomenon, simply disconnect one of my "solid conductors" and replace it with any other traditional, to notice the high difference, both in the system of my laboratory, and in all other HI-FI systems.
Another observation can also be made. By detaching and re-attaching the power plugs of my system, we observe a drastic worsening of the sound, detectable even by people totally fasting in terms of correct perception of the sounds.
This difference is due to a particular patented device, present in my "solid conductors", which requires at least 48 hours of connection, before making it work properly. So it is, whether you believe it or not!

14. An extraordinary series of revolutionary discoveries

Three decades of research have not gone unnecessarily, because the different experiments, both on solid conductors specific for the transit of the audio signal, and those for the transit of high voltage, have allowed me to achieve amazing results.

First of all, from the beginning it was evident, contrary to what is commonly claimed by some electrotecnic, electronic engineers, audiophiles, etc., an extraordinary fact:

"The existence of the "sound of cables"".

In particular:

"All "solid conductors" affect the quality of the audio signal passing through them and, at the same time, on the quality of the sound".

This means that:

"All traditional and classical solid conductors have an essentially "subtractive" nature, that is they always subtract energy and velocity from the flow of electric energy passing through them".

This confirms that:

"All the traditional solid conductors have a precise "sound signature", which is repeated in all the hi-fi systems in which they are used".

As for the "power" cables, the results of the experiments have eliminated my ten-year skepticism about their influence on the quality of the sound and they surprised me and convinced me definitively that:

"The "power cables" influence the sound quality of HI-FI systems, since they affect the behavior of the flow of electric energy that passes inside them".

It is so clear:

"Variations in the behavior of the flow of electricity, even outside its nature as an audio signal, ie in "high voltage"".

All these discoveries have led to unquestionably sanction that:

"There is a variability in the behavior of the flow of electricity, within different types of solid conductors, both for those destined to the transit of the audio signal, and of the high voltage".

This "variability", as noted in other collateral experiments, should also be extended to all types of signals: digital, video, etc.

11.4 Fourth phase

At that point, in February of 2016 I decided it was time to continue this part of experimentation on "power cables" and check how far I had discovered.

I have therefore replaced the remaining 3 traditional power cables placed between the 3 amplifiers and the mains, with 3 new ones with patented "H-PW©" technology.

The length of these revolutionary "cables" is rather short, so as to be irrelevant for the purposes of experimentation, ie the three:

  1. the two used for the amplifiers of the two medium-high panels of the Reference System, are about 20 cm long;
  2. the other, that of the final of the towers of the bass, is about 10 cm long.

Now, all the sound system in my lab uses only my high-performance power cables. The curiosity and the expectations poured on this experiment have been enormous:

  1. first of all, such solid conductors should not affect sound performance at all;
  2. secondly, an improvement in sound performance, confirming their nature as "devices", rather than simple and traditional "electric cables";
  3. if this were the case, the exactness of everything that had been discovered up to that point would be confirmed.

11.5 Fifth phase

In October 2017, a new experiment begins.
So I created a brand new super power cable with patented "Zeta Power©" technology (
Z-PW©). This went to replace the first high-performance cable "Perfect Supply©", placed to connect the digital reader to the 220 Volt power supply.

The expectations regarding this new phase of the very long experimentation were very high, as I went to replace one of my patented cables with another one of greater performance. So, theoretically, if there were any differences, they would have to be minimal, barely perceptible. Instead, unheardly...

12. The results of the long experimentation

The results of three decades of experimentation, both in the "transport" of the audio signal and in the high voltage one, are incredible!

First of all, they have definitively ascertained that:

"All "solid conductors" have a strong influence on the "behavior" of the flow of electrical energy of any nature or function, passing through them".

In particular, with reference to the "supply cables", according to the "basic criteria" previously mentioned (
paragraph 11.1) and those of electrotecnic and electronic engineering, this "influence" would not be possible!
Yet, the third phase of the experimentation (
paragraph 11.3) has established indisputable and extraordinary results, beyond all expectations, which go beyond the traditional concepts of resistance, inductance and capacity. In fact, despite the patented "H-PW©" technology requires at least 48 hours to work properly and 500 hours of running-in, something unexpected and totally new has happened immediately!

I asked myself: "Considering that in this solid conductor flows the high voltage and not the audio signal and that it is placed between the 220 Volt electric socket and the preamplifier power supply, it is possible that the sound has undergone a change so radical?".
A revolution. It seemed like listening to another HI-FI system!

Also the fourth phase of the experimentation (
paragraph 11.4) confirmed all this!
Even beyond the best expectations because the sound quality is further improved, so as to be "different" than that expressed in the previous experimentation (
paragraph 11.3). This happened despite the three "super cables" being long, one 10 and the other two 20 centimeters. An example for everyone, the voices: it was as if the singers were really present.
And believe me, before they did not go any worse... This led me to the conviction, given their small length (
10 and 20 cm), to have invented "devices", similar to the one invented to eliminate turbulence in the flow of water (paragraph 5), rather than excellent "solid conductors".

The recent fifth phase of the experimentation (
paragraph 11.5) was the one that definitively and unquestionably determined everything that has so far been discovered.
I expected a trivial improvement in sound, since I simply replaced a patented cable with another patented of the same length (
about 80 cm), but with significantly higher performance.
But it was not! Rather…

13. The scientific validity of the experimentation

When an experiment is based on the use of "human perception", this has scientific validity if this observation is repeatable over time and verifiable also by subjects unrelated to the same research, non-acquaintance and distant from each other.

At the moment, there is no technological tool that can measure changes in the efficiency and

Continued on page 4

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